Getting Started
Getting Started With Us:
Math Around the Corner provides Fort Worth tutoring services to students in grades K-12, in all subject areas. Our private tutoring classes are custom-tailored to fit each student’s needs. We work with parents and teachers to identify problem areas and design tutoring sessions to address those areas and build proficiency. What’s more, we match each student with a tutor whose teaching style and areas of expertise best align with the student’s personality and academic goals to help students feel comfortable and achieve the best results. The majority of our tutors are Texas Christian University (TCU) students who are at the top of their class and have very impressive resumes. We also provide several professional educators who can handle the most complex subjects.

Most of our students meet with their assigned tutor once a week for an hour (or, for grades K-3, a half-hour). This time is spent going over homework, reinforcing concepts that were taught in the classroom, and preparing for upcoming tests. Our tutors can also help with organizational skills, writing skills, and SAT/ACT tutoring. Tutoring sessions may take place at Math Around the Corner, conveniently located at Mira Vista Commons in Fort Worth. Math tutoring, Physics tutoring and PSAT/ACT/SAT tutoring are our most commonly requested subjects, but we provide private tutoring in almost every subject. Because students meet once a week, they learn excellent study skills that will help them today and in the future.
As a parent, you want the best for your child today and tomorrow. Our college preparatory tutoring can help raise test scores, increase scholarship opportunities, and improve the likelihood of acceptance at the college your child wishes to attend. From Fort Worth PSAT/ACT/SAT tutoring to private classes in college entrance application writing and college essay writing, we provide personalized college prep tutoring that’s been proven to make a positive difference.
MAC Tutoring Session Cancellation Policy:
Math Around the Corner adheres to a 24 hour cancellation policy. Out of respect for our tutors, we ask that cancellations are made at least 24 hours before your student’s scheduled session. To cancel your student’s session, please email to ensure we receive your message. We understand that illness and emergencies happen. In situations like these, charges for the session will be left to the discretion of Math Around the Corner.